Friday, November 13, 2009


India is a land of diversity.Crores of students reside here and there future solely depends on the methodological design of indian education.It is expected to produce are fictive and nimble youth who will verify our land forward into the golden age.

But it has turned the enrollee into a experience robot which accepts the command and executes,without having some thinking and intelligence.The method has inspired the students only to score a good grade instead of possessing leadership quality,social competence etc.

Nowadays activity has become a charge on enrollee as well as the
parents because the current activity grouping has lost its value and grandness and is converting into a series of problems.

Education system, which leads nowhere, has disturbed the peaceful lives of parents and students In this modern world a enrollee is only considered as sincere and good if he has fully written the class notes and attentive in class.

Which results that ,a enrollee hit to transfix his/her eyes on to the
blackboard and write, never contradicting the teachers or asking some doubt.

Students are presented such homework which is enough to hit a complete day.This results in a dull life for student.Too such think makes them confuse and deviates there mind from studies later.

They become dull and less smart.They loose the possibleness of socialising and broaden there mind.This is also
affecting the fictive nature .

The present activity grouping has reached a mark where it is regarded as sulky and boring and it is limited to mumble up the answers and to write the them in the examination.

Education makes the enrollee more
bespoken to home which results them to be less playful resulting in a dull youth.Sports exaggerate the competitive feeling.But students learn how to compete in class notes and in exam.This is really contemptuous for Future youth of India.

Further there is no fixed method of teaching ,or some fixed books.Education has been shared unevenly in many parts of India.Further there is very less research works included in the activity scenario.

There is
innovative think and more applicatory knowledge included.They are more specific to there aim different indians who read every subjects of every field .Instituitions are there which encourage the students.They wage access and encourage.

Intelligence may or may not be digit of his qualities but he will nevertheless get the prizewinning start in life. He will procure entering in a professional college of his choice, and perhaps get a high-paying job in a multinational firm.

A some years later, he may well be surprised to wager that someone whom he considers ‘
mediocre’ has overtaken him in the work race.

parents add upto the woes of a student.They limit the boundary of exposure(as they insist there children to be a doctor,engineer or some business man or some officer.)Quality of teaching is very low.

students though lack of
applicatory knowledge only practice the bookish stuff. hence as a full Indian standard of teaching and activity should be improved a lot.

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